“on-demand work” ecosystem set up with the specific objective of empowering people directly affected by the pandemic as well as by the upcoming IR4.0 revolution.

Through our platform, MakeTimePay aims to enable people of every age, every skillset and every level of experience to maximize their ability to earn, as well as to help business owners better manage their costs through fractional, task-based, on-demand engagements.
The world today is experiencing an unparalleled paradigm shift. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the global workforce has already seen 190 million people lose their jobs. The effect on the global economy is so great that the International Monetary Fund has predicted it to be “as bad as the Global Financial Crisis (2007-2008), or worse”.
In Malaysia, MIER has projected that 2.4 million jobs will be lost. In the Asia-Pacific region, job losses have been estimated at 81 million and rising.
MakeTimePay intends to play a critical role in helping people, in Malaysia and across the region, to not only stay employed, but also to earn more; and, ultimately, to contribute to the rebuilding of the national economies.
MakeTimePay also sees an important role in helping businesses reduce financial losses brought about by the pandemic by embedding greater sustainability measures into their businesses. Retrenchment exercises, pay cuts, cost-cutting measures and process re-engineering are new realities. Remote working is the new norm. As such, on-demand work is becoming more important than ever in the current economic climate.
The era of the “Big Office” is ending. With the coming of IR4.0 and accelerated by the pandemic, it is imperative that we rethink how jobs are traditionally generated … that we reframe the concept of employment, so that the rising numbers of unemployed, as a result of the pandemic, have viable options to seek out new opportunities to generate income.

This is precisely what MakeTimePay is all about – to challenge the way we traditionally think about work opportunities, to offer a fresh new perspective on the Gig economy, and to deliver a new approach to creating and seeking future income opportunities.
The vision of MakeTimePay is to create an ideal and conducive online platform that will nurture a shift among the talent pool to look beyond their traditional vertical skillsets and among employers to fractionalising tasks on an On-Demand basis.
To deliver this, our mission, therefore, is to build MakeTimePay into a secure, robust and innovative online platform that is seamlessly present across the region so as to enable the proliferation of opportunities for on-demand work.
MakeTimePay is seeking strategic investment partners, both in Malaysia, regionally and internationally, to help realize its vision of a delivering an innovative new platform for fractional tasks and on-demand opportunities. A platform that is not only comprehensive in its search of work opportunities, but is also secure, robust, and seamlessly present across multiple countries in the region.
MakeTimePay is NOT a concept or an MVP. It is an already operating, fully functional platform. Within its first month, it has already captured and exceeded 100,000 work opportunities, and continues to grow.
If you would like us to share with you our vision of the end of Big Office, how it impacts on the future of work, and how you can be an important part of it, please contact: invest@maketimepay.com